In this engaging episode of "Tips from the Top," host Joe Mallee welcomes Bonnie Godsman, the dynamic President of Finseca and CEO of Gama International. Godsman shares her intriguing journey from a politically enthusiastic student to a leading figure in the financial services industry. She delves into the complexities of merging GAMA and AALU, maintaining their distinct brands while expanding their global influence in over 30 countries. Godsman passionately discusses the importance of advocacy in financial services, emphasizing the need for a unified voice in political spheres, and the critical role of organizations like Finseca in shaping policy. The conversation also touches on personal growth, the power of mentorship, and the significance of grassroots movements in influencing policy. Godsman's insights into the challenges and triumphs of leading a major financial organization, coupled with her vision for a more inclusive and impactful financial advisory sector, make this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in leadership, advocacy, and the future of financial services.
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