Our Staff & Specialists
Megan ArgentoAgency Licensing and Contracting Coordinator
- Email: meganargento@financialguide.com
- Phone: (610) 798-2500
- Fax: (610) 798-8290
- Meet Megan
Joseph AyersParaplanner
- Email: josephayers@financialguide.com
- Phone: (610) 798-2527
- Fax: (610) 798-6290
- Meet Joseph
Vicki BachmanNew Business Coordinator
- Email: vbachman@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215)293-9326
- Fax: (215)441-4123
- Meet Vicki
Kristen C. BauerManaging Director
- Email: kristenbauer@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9335
- Fax: (215) 441-4123
- Meet Kristen
Natalie CrumAgency Marketing Director
- Email: ncrum@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9309
- Meet Natalie
Kyle Dunn MBADisability Income Insurance Specialist & Life Illustrations
- Email: kyledunn2@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9344
- Fax: (215) 441-4123
- Meet Kyle
Christine GerdelmannNew Business Coordinator
- Email: cgerdelmann@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9361
- Fax: (215) 441-4123
- Meet Christine
Shannon GoldenReceptionist and Administrative Assistant
- Email: sgolden@financialguide.com
- Phone: (570) 714-2797
- Meet Shannon
Alexandra HoffmanNew Business Coordinator
- Email: ahoffman@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9302
- Meet Alexandra
Steven JohansenAgency Supervision
- Email: sjohansen@massmutualbrokerage.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9327
- Fax: (215) 441-4123
- Meet Steven
Maryann LutzBusiness Manager
- Email: mlutz@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9307
- Fax: (215) 441-4123
- Meet Maryann
Melissa (Missy) MillerAgency Licensing Coordinator
- Email: melissamiller@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9313
- Fax: (215) 441-4123
- Meet Melissa
Erica NgDirector of Recruiting
- Email: ericang@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 237-0746
- Fax: (215) 441-4123
- Meet Erica
Daren E. Prokopowich CFBSFinancial Services Professional; Technical Specialist
- Email: dprokopowich@financialguide.com
- Phone: (610) 798-2528
- Meet Daren
Scott SimonAgency Supervisory Officer
- Email: scottsimon@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9352
- Fax: (215) 441-4123
- Meet Scott
William Travis CFAFinancial Planning Director
- Email: williamtravis@financialguide.com
- Phone: (610) 798-2521
- Meet William
Allyson TrumborePractice Development Specialist
- Email: atrumbore@financialguide.com
- Phone: (610) 798-2505
- Meet Allyson
Nicole WoodPractice Development Specialist
- Email: nicoletaylor@financialguide.com
- Phone: (215) 293-9320
- Meet Nicole