Worksite Solutions
Voluntary benefits, also known as worksite benefits, are a cost-effective solution to help employees offset out-of-pocket medical expenses. Voluntary benefits are employee-paid and can help employees fill the gaps created by high-deductibles and rising co-pays, providing the financial security they need and deserve.
The Product Line:
Universal Life, Whole Life, Accident, Critical Illness
These group plans are payroll deducted but owned by the employee.
- The group certificate is portable, employee owns it and can take it with them.
- Can purchase plans for their spouse and/or dependents.
- “Guaranteed Issue” or “Simplified Issue” possibilities.
- Cash value: Can be used at any time
- Worksite Market is daytime.
- Ideal for businesses with 50 to 5,000 employees.
Ideal Prospect
- 50 to 250-person company
- Everyone on your project 200 works for the same company, they can help you talk to their company HR Department.
- A manager or above in a company.
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